Communism and Zen fire. zen wind. OSHO <2>
Communism and Zen fire. zen wind.<2>
OSHO (著), 1989/07 出版社 : Osho Intl 言語 : 英語 ハードカバー
1)Communism happened as an accident in Russia. It was not according to the economic analysis by Karl Marx. But whatever the cause, it happened. It is the first communist country in the world, the only hope.
And I am not against only Christianity. I am against all religions except Zen, because Zen is not a religion but only religiousness. I have to make it clear to you that religion is a doctrine, an organized church, a belief system, a fictitious God, heaven and hell, and a great priesthood which functions as a mediator between you and God and exploits you in the name of religion, in the name of God.
Zen is the only religious phenomenon in the world which has no doctrine, no scripture, which has no God, no belief system, no organized church. It is an individual phenomenon, just like love. You don't have a church of love. You don't have a political party for love. It is an individual freedom.
Just as love is individual, so is meditation. And to me, religion only means one thing: meditation, going inwards and exploring your consciousness. Just the way science explores matter, meditation is the science of the inner; it explores consciousness.p9
2)One of the sannyasins has asked a question:
Zen Fire and Zen Wind -- that is what is missing in communism. P43
3)Meditation will use communism as the base, and will put the pillars and the roof on the base. The Soviet citizen needs something of meditative experience that will fill his hollowness. Otherwise just work, and death... there seems to be no meaning and significance. If you had not been born there would be no harm; if you die nobody is going to miss you, you will be replaced.p50
4)And Marxism will become a complete philosophy if it can be joined with Zen. That's why I say, "What is missing? Zen Fire, Zen Wind." p58
5)But Zen comes to the very highest peak -- the purest meditation, refined by centuries of mystics in India, mystics in China, mystics in Japan. It has moved through so much refinement, sharpening -- continuous sharpening -- that there is nothing else compared to it.p64
6)Maneesha, communism is certainly a necessary step for a more humane society, but not socialism. You don't understand the difference between socialism and communism. Most people think they are synonymous.
Socialism is a cowardly compromise with capitalism. Communism is absolutely no compromise with capitalism, and no compromise with anything that constitutes capitalism. P166
7)No-mind is meditation, and no-mind is the revelation, and no-mind is the greatest rebellion that has ever happened.
In the past only very few people... a Gautam Buddha here and there, thousands of years pass and then comes one person who blossoms into a buddha. But now there is no more time. You cannot postpone for tomorrow. Whatever you want to do has to be done now! P182
to be cotinued
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