The Language Of Existence OSHO <1>
The Language Of Existence<1>
OSHO 1990/03 出版社 : Osho Intl 英語 ハードカバー
Zen has nothing
to give to you,
but has something
to take away-
your personality,
your mask,
your false identities.
Zen has to rip you away,
so that only the existence,
pure existence,
remains unpolluted in you.
Zen does not bother
about philosophizing.
Its concern is existencing,
its concern is existential.
That's why I hope called it
"the language of existence." (front flap)
The Zen master, or buddha,
does not speak,
he only allows existence
to sing its song.
The buddha is just a flute,
a bamboo with holes.
Existence can sing
any song that it wants;
the flute does not interfere.
The flute allows existence
to commune with those
who are capable of listening
to the music
that is flowing through it.(back flap)
| 固定リンク | 0
- no-men 2(2021.03.26)
- seven-years-cycle(2021.03.25)
- Semishigure <3>(2021.03.24)
- Prius20(2021.03.23)
- The Language Of Existence OSHO <2>(2021.03.26)